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Kamienica kolegiacka przy ulicy Szewskiej 22 Kraków

Collegiate tenement house at 22 Szewska Street Kraków

Kamienna tablica pamiątkowa na fasadzie beżowo-pomarańczowej kamienicy. Na tablicy napis:

ul. Szewska 22, 31-009 Kraków Tourist region: Kraków i okolice

tel. +48 731757679
The Old Town House, which had belonged to the Collegiate Church of Saint Anne since the 17th century, was built in its present form at the beginning of the 20th century on the site of two Gothic townhouses.

Originally, two 16th-century Gothic tenement houses stood here. The eastern one was called the Groszowska tenement house, and the western one was the Rządczykowska tenement house.

 In 1636 the eastern house, and in 1653 the western house, became the property of the Collegiate Church of St Anne. When curates and penitents took up residence in them, they began to be called collegiate. They also housed the Music Bursa operating at the Collegiate Church. In the 17th century, the houses were enriched with Mannerist stonework.

Both tenement houses were demolished in 1910, and in their place, on the initiative of Canon Józef Caputa, a modernist two-storey townhouse with historicist elements was built between 1910 and 1911, designed by the architect Józef Pokutyński. It was home to the Publishing House of Devotional Books and Józef Cebulski's Devotional Articles Store, which printed pictures and prayer books.

The façade of the building is six-axes with avant-corps in the central part. Above the stone portal relocated from the Groszowska tenement house, there is a stone plaque commemorating the construction and its initiator. Other elements of Mannerist stonework from the first half of the 17th century are exposed on the ground floor, the pilasters of the window jambs and two inter-window columns relocated from the demolished eastern tenement.

Today, the tenement houses the elegant Szewska 22 Boutique Hotel.

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