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Swimming pool in the Januszowice Recreation Zone

Swimming pool in the Januszowice Recreation Zone

Po prawej duży akwen wodny i widoczny w oddali drewniany most prowadzący na prostokątną  wyspę z altaną przykrytą czarnym dachem i alejkami. Bliżej plaża i ludzie, wzdłuż brzegu alejka pomiędzy krzewami. Po lewej fragment budynku, alejki z kwadratowym placem zabaw na którym są różne huśtawki, dalej trójkątny plac i na nim trzy stoły z ławkami, obok po lewej plac z dwoma stołami i ławkami. Przed nim pusty plac i plac podzielony na dwa trójkąty na których przy alejkach stoją ławki. Po lewo zielone pola. Na około kąpieliska i za nim drzewa, kilka domów i pola. Niebo pogodne.

32-090 Januszowice Tourist region: Kraków i okolice

tel. +48 123881102
fax. +48 123882102
tel. +48 123881004
tel. +48 123881271
tel. +48 533355193
Organiser: Urząd Miejski w Słomnikach
ul. Tadeusza Kościuszki 64, 32-090 Słomniki
A romantic sunset on an island or a leisurely cruise on canopied pedal-powered paddle boats? A cozy beach, clean clear warm water that you can hardly resist, and all of this plus an exciting playground for the little ones. The Januszowice Recreation Zone is a relaxing place full of warmth and charm created expressly for summer recreation.

The Januszowice Recreation Zone has been a relatively new development that has been available to water recreation enthusiasts since 2020. It's a quiet, comfy place. The beach, which is only about 150 metres long, is clean and snug,  and the bathing area is renowned for its remarkably clear water. The entire shoreline is approximately 2 kilometres. The bathing area is guarded and is open to the public on weekends during certain hours.

The picturesque 17-hectare pond can be admired not only from the shore but also from a wooden pier that is connected to a charming island. On the little island you can relax in the shade of the gazebo or on a bench. Nature lovers can indulge in carefree observing of local birds, while chess enthusiasts can battle it out on the permanent chess boards amidst a pleasant outdoor environment.

During the summer season, there is a water equipment rental service offering pedal boats and single and double kayaks. For more information visit: www.slomniki.pl/index.php/dla-turysty/wypozyczalnia-sprzetu-plywajacego 

The Januszowice Recreation Zone also features several small catering facilities, a colourful playground, changing rooms, bike racks and toilets. There is also an area with covered picnic tables and barbecue grills and street furniture.

The lake and its beach can be reached by car (the pond is visible from Route S7 on the way to Kielce) or by the bicycle path from Słomniki. There is a paved parking area for dozens of vehicles for visitors coming by car.

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