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The Church of St. Antony in Męcina

The Church of St. Antony in Męcina

Na trawie stoi widziany od tyłu drewniany kościół, z węższym prezbiterium z oknami, dalej z nawą z przybudówką z boku. Za nią widać u góry nad dachem pokrytym blachą, wysoką wieżę z wieżyczką z baniastym hełmem. Wokół betonowa alejka. Kilka wysokich drzew bez liści i betonowe ogrodzenie. Niebo bezchmurne.

Męcina 10, 34-654 Męcina Tourist region: Gorce i Beskid Wyspowy

tel. +48 183327054
The Church of St. Antony in Męcina arose in 1638. In the C18th a spire and chapel were added onto the nave.
The uniform tin roof covers the nave and the narrower chancel, which is closed on three sides. On the north wall of the spire is a clock an element rarely found in wooden architecture. The interior is covered by flat ceilings decorated with polychrome work from 1888. The church contains C18th late baroque altars: in the main one there is a painting of Ecce Homo, while in the side ones there are representations of Our Lady of the Rosary and St. Antony. It is worth paying attention to the C17th wooden baroque font. Sites worth seeing! Męcina was a knights' village, mentioned first in 1326. In the reformation period there was an arianism centre. The yellow trail that leads to Łososina range originates in Męcina. The village has an ostrich farm.