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The church of St. James the Apostle in Więcławice Stare

The church of St. James the Apostle in Więcławice Stare

Wnętrze kościoła. Po środku rząd drewnianych ławek. Od lewej na ścianie bogato złocone malowidła - tryptyk przedstawiający świętych w drewnianej oprawie. Dalej ołtarz boczny i po prawej wisząca ambona i ołtarz główny ze stołem z obrusem i malowanym obrazem, po bokach figury świętych. Do ołtarza prowadzi dywan. Z sufitu zwisa wieloramienny żyrandol.

Więcławice Stare 20, 32-091 Więcławice Stare Tourist region: Kraków i okolice

tel. +48 123885057
The church of St. James the Apostle in Więcławice dates back to 1748.
The most recentreconstruction was performed in the 18th century and in 1757 the church was consecrated. It is a single-nave baroque structure. The interior holds three rococo altarpieces (1700s), the main one featuring an image of the patron of the parish St. James the Apostle. Other interesting items include a Gothic triptych of St. Nicolas (1477), painted on boards; a sculpture of the Virgin Mary with the Child (around 1410); as well as Gothic, baroque and rococo chasubles and other precious liturgical items. A wooden pillar-framework belfry stands next to the church (1846). Sites worth seeing! In nearby Raciborowice you can visit a Gothic church financed by Jan Długosz foundation. His Wieniawa coat of arms is located above the entrance.

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