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St Martin’s Church in Marcyporęba

St Martin’s Church in Marcyporęba

Kamienna brama z daszkiem z czerwonej dachówki w ogrodzeniu z kamienia i drewna. Po bokach choinki i wysokie drzewa bez liści. Za bramą na wprost drewniany, ciemny kościół od strony prezbiterium. Na ścianie kościoła obraz Jezusa Miłosiernego. Dach pokryty blachą, widoczne dwie wieżyczki. Niebo zachmurzone.

pl. Św. Jana Pawła II 6, 34-114 Marcyporęba Tourist region: Pogórza

tel. +48 338792116
St Martin’s Church in Marcyporęba was built in 1670 and originally had no spire (the spire was added in 1976-80).
The ceremonial consecration was performed in 1677. The roof above the nave and chancel is gabled, with one ridge and a baroque bell turret. Inside two precious portals have been preserved: one a so-called Długoszowski, the other mannerist and richly decorated. Above the galilee and chancel there are 1970s coffered ceilings. On the rood beam you can see sculptures with a Crucifixion Group and a C15th gothic crucifix. The walls are covered with C19th and C20th polychrome decoration.

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