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The Church of St. Andrew Bobola in Gawłów

The Church of St. Andrew Bobola in Gawłów

Drewniany kościół z wysoką wieżą nad wejściem. Obok murowana dzwonnica, z tyłu murowane zabudowania parafialne. Kościół otacza drewniane ogrodzenie, po lewej stronie rosną drzewa, po prawej widać budynek. Na niebie kilka pierzastych chmur.

Gawłów 1, 32-711 Bogucice Tourist region: Kraków i okolice

tel. +48 146859540
tel. +48 600052785
The church was erected in 1806 as an evangelical church.
It is wooden and was built using log construction with boarding. The two-storey spire is post construction and has a tent roof. The single-nave interior of the church is covered by a flat ceiling. The baroque fittings originate from provincial wood-carving workshops. The altars date from the C19th. On the main one you can see a C20th representation of the patron saint, while the side altar has a C20th painting of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and sculptures of the four Evangelists from the turn of the C19th, in a folk baroque style. The font dates from the beginning of the C19th.

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