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NBP Kraków Economic Salon

NBP Kraków Economic Salon

Sala muzealna z eksponatami rozwieszonymi na sztalugach.

ul. Basztowa 20, 30-960 Kraków Tourist region: Kraków i okolice

tel. +48 221812274
tel. +48 221812276
tel. +48 221812272
The NBP Kraków Economic Salon is a new venue on the educational map of Kraków. It is located on the ground floor of the historic building at 20 Basztowa Street, on the premises of the Kraków District Branch of the National Bank of Poland, where the history of money in Polish lands is presented very interestingly. The Salon is a unique forum for the exchange of ideas and the dissemination of economic knowledge. It is a meeting place for people interested in learning more about economics.

The exhibition of the NBP Kraków Economic Salon consists of more than 20 stands that present the history of Polish money and the role of the NBP and its responsibilities as the central bank of the state in a captivating and engaging way. The exhibition of the NBP Kraków Economic Salon is housed in three rooms and is divided into three complementary thematic modules.

  • The Polish Room is where the history of money from the birth of the Polish state to the present day was presented using infographics and multimedia presentations. The narrative is complemented by reproductions of coins as well as an antique safe from  the 1920s.
  • The Numismatic Cabinet is a space where original commemorative and circulating coins, banknotes, and the role of the NBP as the country's central bank are presented. The biggest attraction of this room is the opportunity to touch a bar of real, true, pure  gold!
  • The Kraków Hall is where the families of the royal city's bankers and the history of the Kraków branch of the NBP are presented. You can learn about the exciting stories of the families that have made up the world of Polish finance over the generations and see fascinating photographs depicting the formation and activities of the District Branch of the National Bank of Poland in Kraków from its construction until today.

Admission to the NBP lounges is free. However, there are restrictions on the number of people for safety reasons.