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Muzeum Ziemi Sądeckiej Nowy Sącz

Museum of Nowy Sącz Land

Fasada zabytkowego budynku będącego główną siedzibą Muzeum Ziemi Sądeckiej w Nowym Sączu.

ul. Jagiellońska 56, 33-300 Nowy Sącz Tourist region: Beskid Sądecki i Niski

tel. +48 184437708
tel. +48 184437865
This museum was created to save stories, traditions, culture and people from being forgotten. The story of Nowy Sącz is shown through objects, photographs, art, a Galician town and heritage park. They tell their story through workshops, fairs and folklore event

When visiting the Sądecki Ethnographic Park, which is part of the museum, you can see how cultured, religions and nationalities intertwined in the Nowy Sącz region. There are churches of three denominations, the house and farmstead of the Lachs and the Sądecki Highlanders, Uplanders, Lemkos, Germans and Gypsies. There is a manor house and a school. When you look at the nearby Miasteczko Galicyjskie (Galician Town), which is a replica of the market square buildings from the end of the 19th century, you will see the town hall, a noble manor, burgher houses, an inn and a fire station. The history of the collections exhibited in the Museum today is vast. It shows, however, that already in the 19th century, people began to collect mementoes from the past, knowing how important they are. When in 1896 Józef Wieniawa-Zubrzycki donated his house at ul. Jagiellońska 35 for the seat of the city library and museum, it was expected that they would end up there, but this was not the case. The idea was revived after the end of World War I and the museum collections were finally made available on August 12, 1938. However, in the following year, while facing the German occupation, some of the most valuable objects were hidden by the inhabitants. In January 1945, an explosion of an ammunition warehouse ruined the castle along with other museum objects. The museum was reopened in 1946, and the collections were slowly renewed. More branches were established, such as the Gothic House, Maria Ritter Gallery or the popular tourist stop – the Sądecki Ethnographic Park.

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