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Jewish Museum in Oświęcim

Jewish Museum in Oświęcim

Słoneczny dzień. Jasny, murowany budynek dwukondygnacyjny z plakatami dzieci w niektórych oknach. Na podjeździe przy drzwiach stoją dwaj mężczyźni. Przed nimi barierka i donice z kwiatami. Po prawej i lewej stronie budynku wiszą banery. Obok po lewej fragment ciemniejszego budynku. Po prawej niewielka brzoza bez liści. W tle drzewa z jasnymi liśćmi. Niebo bezchmurne.

Pl. ks. J. Skarbka 5, 32-600 Oświęcim Tourist region: Oświęcim i okolice

tel. +48 510781199
A place dedicated to the history and memory of Jewish Oświęcim, the museum is housed in a building adjacent to the Chevra Lomdei Mishnayot Synagogue, and the permanent exhibition is an amazing journey seen, among other things, through the eyes of former Jewish residents of the city.

Permanent exhibition: Oshpitzin. The 'History of Jewish Oświęcim' is an exhibition made up of documents and photographic material depicting the history of the Jewish community of Oświęcim for 400 years until the tragedy of the Holocaust, in which almost all Jewish Oświęcim residents perished. These stories are complemented by films presenting the memories of Jews who once lived in Oświęcim.The museum also has an extremely interesting collection of Judaica, found during excavations in 2004, and which were once furnishings of the Great Synagogue in Oświęcim. The museum offers a programme aimed at children, young people and adults to teach about the main themes of Jewish culture and its relationship to Christian and Polish culture. The knowledge gained helps to find the commonalities and understand the importance of the necessary differences. The Education Centre also has an extensive Jewish-themed book collection in Polish, English, German and Hebrew. When going to the Museum, it is advisable to check the rules for visits and ticket reservations at www.ajcf.pl

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