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Obelisk at the border of the Austrian- and Russian-occupied parts of Poland in Michałowice

Obelisk at the border of the Austrian- and Russian-occupied parts of Poland in Michałowice

Pomnik w formie obelisku posadowiony na kwadratowym podeście. Na pomniku napis w języku polskim.

ul. Krakowska 2, 32-091 Michałowice Tourist region: Kraków i okolice

The border between the Austrian- and Russian-occupied parts of Poland once ran through the village of Michałowice.
The First Cadre Company of the Polish Legions heading to Kielce crossed the border in the summer of 1914, in order to commence the fight for the independence of Poland.In 1936 an obelisk was placed there bearing the inscription: “At the order of Commander Józef Piłsudski, the First Cadre Company of the Polish Legions, on their way to fight for honour and the independence of the fatherland, demolished the border poles of the former occupiers of Poland on this site on August 6, 1914”. This way the legionaries symbolically rejected the division of Poland among the partitioning monarchies that had been established over 100 years earlier. This gesture was supposed to emphasize the fact that their fight aimed not only at the removal of the occupying powers, but also at the unification of the Polish lands and regaining of independence.

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