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Geological Park Żegocina

Geological Park Żegocina

Zdjęcie ukazuje nieczynny już kamieniołom w miejscowości Żegocina o kształcie zbliżonym do niewielkiego amfiteatru.

Żegocina Tourist region: Gorce i Beskid Wyspowy

Organiser: Gmina Żegocina
It is a natural attraction of Żegocina. Stone was quarried here for use in the foundations of the surrounding houses. Today, the quarry, which resembles an amphitheatre, is a live geological lesson and an interesting place to walk.
In the Beskid Wyspowy is Żegocina, a village located in a valley at the foot of the Kamionna mountain. No longer in use, the quarry was added to the list of Ecomuseums of the Bochnia region in 2005. Although it is less than 0.68 hectares in size, it is a site highly valued by scientists, geology students, geotourists, and schoolchildren. The history of the settlement begins in the time of Bolesław the Wrymouth. Between the wars, the quarry supplied stone for building roads, house foundations and retaining walls along the creek. Production was curtailed after the end of the Second World War and stopped altogether in 1961. The property is a recreational area with a fire pit and barbecue facilities. Benches mounted inside the gazebo allow you to relax, affording protection no matter the state of the weather.