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Regional Art and Handicrafts Gallery in Żegocina

Regional Art and Handicrafts Gallery in Żegocina

Izba Regionalna Żegocina

Żegocina 378, 32-731 Żegocina Tourist region: Tarnów i okolice

tel. +48 146132555
tel. +48 146132035
The Regional Chamber in Żegocina was established in 2014 thanks to the Association of Friends of the Żegocina Region.

The Regional Chamber and the Village Gallery have extensive ethnographic collections: former agricultural and craft devices, household appliances, religious paintings, craft products – mainly of wood, iconographic collections, i.e. archival photos, documents, old books, etc., mainly concerning the area of the present commune of Żegocina. It also presents the rich achievements of folk art of local artists: embroiderers, painters, sculptors, woodcarvers, photographers, etc.