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Gródek Vineyard Zbyszyce

Gródek Vineyard Zbyszyce

Dwoje rowerzystów - kobieta i mężczyzna w kaskach, stojący w winnicy Gródek pośród krzewów winorośli i kwiatów lawendy, spoglądający w kierunku doliny, w której płynie rzeka

Zbyszyce 4, 33-318 Zbyszyce Tourist region: Pogórza

tel. +48 667942105
Bicycle Friendly Place (MPR)

The vineyard located in Zbyszyce and surrounded on three sides by the waters of Lake Rożnowskie is one of the most developing sites among the facilities of the Małopolska Wine Trail. Thanks to the enthusiasm and passion of the owner, grapes have been harvested since 2016 and later processed into exceptionally delicious wine.

Hundreds of rows of vines have already been planted on the picturesque 7.5 hectare plot of land. Initially, in 2014, the winery was much smaller and was dedicated to its own needs, but its potential has seen it expand year by year and it has gone from being a backyard winery to a must-see on the Małopolska Wine Trail. The Gródek Vineyard's crop is dominated by relatively hardy varieties for our climatic conditions: the whites Hibernal, Mascara, Serena, Siberia, and Solaris, and the reds Cabernet Cantor, Cabernet Cortis, Regent, and Rondo. Noble varieties such as Auxerrois, Riesling, and Pinot Noir also have a place here.  The mild microclimatic conditions and excellent sunshine, combined with the constant care of the vines, makewines that not only delight the visitors but also impress Poland’s leading sommeliers.  Gródek Vineyard won two bronze medals for its Cuvee Blanc and Regent Rose wines in 2018. Wine production takes place in a building on the premises. There is also a tasting and conference room for up to 40 people and a spacious veranda with a magnificent view of the vines and Lake Rożnowskie. Agnieszka Rousseau, a very experienced, French-educated oenologist, assists the owner in the production of the wines. Thanks to its excellent location, the wineryattracts a great many visitors every year.  The area has many tourist attractions, including the Rożnów Power Plant Dam and Tropsztyn Castle. The winery was added to the Małopolska Wine Trail in 2019.

Read more about Bicycle Friendly Places and VeloDunajec  can be found at narowery.visitmalopolska.pl