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Ostry Wierch and the small Orthodox churches

Ostry Wierch and the small Orthodox churches

Tabliczka na szczycie Koziego Żebra w Beskidzie Niskim.
Types of trails: Hiking
Length of trail: 21,8 km
Wysowa-Zdrój Tourist region: Beskid Sądecki i Niski
The trip leads to the highest peaks of Beskid Niski (Low Beskid) in the area of Wysowa-Zdrój. Begin by taking the green trail through the Łopaciński Valley. In its upper part, climb the steep slope to the ridge of Kozie Żebro (847 m asl), where you will reach the red Main Beskid Trail. Follow its signs sown to Hańczowa, passing the beautiful 19th century wooden Orthodox church. Continue on the red trail through the Ropka valley and in its upper part choose the yellow trail going left. It climbs up to Ostry Wierch (938 m asl), the highest point on the route. Directly below the peak, you will reach the border ridge. The yellow trail ends here, and you will now be following green signs, which will take you to Wysowa, right next to another wooden Orthodox church.
Wysowa-Zdrój – Hańczowa – Ropki – Wysowa-Zdrój
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