St. Stanislaus Trail in Krakow

Dziedziniec klasztoru paulinów na Skałce w Krakowie.
St. Stanislaus ofSzczepanów has been worshipped in Krakow for hundreds of years. Bishopof Krakow, murdered at the order of King Boleslaw the Bold on Skałka, isburied in the Wawel Cathedral. St. Stanislaus Trail encompasses not only sites associated with the cult of St. Stanislaus, but also other historical monuments and sacred places of interest. The trail starts at the Archcathedral Basilica on the Wawel Hill, where the reliquary with the martyr’s remains is interred in the golden-domed shrine. The trail then continues near the Church of St. Bernardino of Siena, along the Vistula embankments to Skałka, the site of the saint’s martyr’s death. From Skałka it heads toward the Gothic Church of St. Catherine, and then to Wolnica Square and the former Town Hall of Kazimierz, in the vicinity of which stands the magnificent Gothic Corpus Christi Church with the Monastery of the Canons Regular of St. Augustine. The trail ends at the Baroque Church and Monastery of the Hospitaller Brothers.

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