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Basilica, Gorlice

Basilica, Gorlice

To monumentalny ceglano-kamienny gmach z piaskowcową, neorenesansową fasadą w stylu klasycznym, z niszami z posągami ewangelistów. Nad wejściem znajduje się relief z płaskorzeźbą, nad nim półokrągłe okno witrażowe.

Plac Kościelny 1, 38-300 Gorlice Tourist region: Beskid Sądecki i Niski

tel. +48 183537630
tel. +48 722245447
The beginnings of the church date back to the 14th century. At the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries, it served as a Calvinist church. It burnt down twice, in 1799 and 1874.
The church in its present form was built in the Neo-Renaissance style in the years 1885-1890 according to the design of Franz Pavoni and Maximilian Nitsch. Unfortunately, it suffered a lot during World War I and was rebuilt in the years 1920-31. Characteristic for the monumental building of the church is its facade referring to classical forms, decorated with stone sculptures of four evangelists. On the fronton there is a Latin inscription: GORLICENSES VIRGINI DEIPARAE, which translates into: „From Gorlice inhabitants to the Virgin Mother of God” Inside the church particular attention should be paid to the main altar made according to the design of Leonardo Marconi, over which reigns the beautiful painting "Assumption of the Virgin Mary" by Jan Styka. In the left nave there is an altar with the painting by Piotr Stachiewicz "St. Joseph with the Child Jesus" and the benevolent figure of the Lord Jesus in Prison probably dating back to the sixteenth or seventeenth century and the painting by Józef Mehoffer depicting St. Teresa.

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