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Krakowska Gate

Krakowska Gate

Po lewej gałęzie drzewa liściastego po części zasłaniają ogromne głazy gdzie nie gdzie pokryte mchem, ułożone w wysoki mur. Po prawej za ścieżką z kamieniami i za niewielkim kamieniem drugi mur ułożony ze skał, też gdzie nie gdzie pokryty mchem. Obok i góry las. Alejka przechodzi między murami i ciągnie się w głąb, gdzie w tle widać drzewo, nad nim skały, jasno zielone liście lasu i niebo nad wszystkim pogodne.

Ojców Tourist region: Kraków i okolice

The Krakowska Gate is the most famous rock gate of the Prądnik Valley in Ojców National Park. It takes the form of two 15 m high pillars that are the mouth of the Ciasne Rocks Gorge into the Prądnik Valley. It is made up of rocky limestone, forming numerous buttresses. It was formed as a result of lateral erosion occurring on the slope of the gorge, accompanied by the dissolution of limestone rocks along the surface of the cracks. Just below the Kraków Gate is the Spring of Love.
The Prądnik Valley, running through the Ojców National Park, abounds in formed natural rock formations of incredible shapes. One such creation is the Kraków Gate, which closes the outlet of the Ciasne Rocks Gorge. The gate consists of two rock pillars, which are made of blocks of rocky limestone about 15–20 metres high. The pillars were formed entirely naturally, as a result of erosion processes, and one is clearly higher than the other. A stunning panorama of the rock massifs of Mt Koronna opens from the gate. A walk through the Prądnik Valley on a carpet strewn with reddened autumn leaves that contrast with the brightness of the Gate rocks is awe-inspiring. There are several trails and footpaths in the Valley and parking facilities are available in the area. A visit to the castle in Pieskowa Skała is also worth planning.

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