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Cerkiew świętego Łukasza Apostoła i Ewangelisty Leszczyny

The Greek Catholic church of St. Luke the Evangelist in Leszczyny

W oddali drewniana cerkiew o ciemnych ścianach i dachu pokrytym blachą, z wysoką kwadratową wieżą z baniastym hełmem i sygnaturką, dalej z niską nawą z dachem zwieńczonym ku górze z baniastym hełmem i sygnaturką. Za nią niższe prezbiterium z takim samym dachem i wieżyczką. Przy cerkwi niewielki cmentarz. Z tyłu wysokie drzewa i wzgórze z łąkami i drzewami.

Leszczyny, 38-315 Uście Gorlickie Tourist region: Beskid Sądecki i Niski

tel. +48 183516412
The Greek Catholic church of St. Luke the Evangelist in Leszczyny was originally built in 1835. It is a single-nave church of log-framework structure, oriented (its presbytery faces east), tripartite, of the north-western Lemko type.
The pillar-framework tower has an overhung loft and a vestibule in the ground floor. The roofs are covered with sheet metal, topped with bulbous domes with blind lanterns and crosses above the tower, nave and presbytery. The presbytery and nave feature flat ceilings with moulding. Valuable interior items include an iconostasis (1909), the main altarpiece with a canopy and a small altarpiece with an icon of Christ, as well as a side altarpiece featuring an interesting icon showing the Blessed Virgin Mary with the Child surrounded by angels and bishops. Worth seeing in the area! In the interwar period, Leszczyny was famous for production of wooden articles: (rolling pins, potato mashers).

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