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Rev. Józef Tischner’s Grave Łopuszna

Rev. Józef Tischner’s Grave Łopuszna

Kamienny nagrobek z nierówną betonową płytą, niczym góry, z żelaznym krzyżem, na którym w żelaznym sercu wybito imię i nazwisko. Za grobem dwie choinki. Obok na kamieniach stoją znicze a między nimi kwiaty w donicach. Za grobem trawnik, dalej widoczny drewniany płot z kamiennymi murkami. W oddali dom. Po lewej za płotem wysokie choinki. Niebo bezchmurne.

ul. Podhalańska 17, 34-432 Łopuszna Tourist region: Tatry i Podhale

Łopuszna is a village located at the foot of the southern slopes of the Gorce Mountains, in the Nowy Targ County.

The fate of the eminent figure, Father Józef Tischner, is linked to his hometown of Łopuszna and the Gorce Mountains. After completing his theological studies at the Jagiellonian University and the seminary in Kraków, Tischner was ordained a priest in 1955 and continued his studies at the Faculty of Christian Philosophy of the Academy of Catholic Theology in Warsaw and the Faculty of Philosophy and History of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. He inspired confidence as a man, inspired as a philosopher, taught faith as a priest, loved the highlanders, highland folklore and the mountains, dressed in the highland style and spread this tradition, and used the highland dialect. He was chaplain to the Podhale Association, for whom he organised masses in the chapel below the summit of Mt Turbacz. He was a professor at the Papal Theological Academy in Kraków and a knight of the Order of the White Eagle. His extensive study of philosophy allowed him to develop his own interesting views, which he presented in many of his books.

Józef Tischner spent his entire childhood in Łopuszna in the Podhale region. Interestingly, his father had been working as a school manager since 1932, and, as a result, the Tischners lived in the school building. For this reason, the author of 'Ethics of Solidarity' sometimes signed himself as 'Józek Szkolny.'

Tischner felt a vocation very early on. He entered the seminary immediately after graduating from high school in Nowy Targ. It was a conscious and considered decision on his part. However, not all family members were happy with this turn of events. The boy's father strongly opposed his decision, thinking Józef was still too young for the seminary.

One of the most iconic sentences uttered by Father Tischner was: ‘I sometimes laugh that I am first a man, then a philosopher, then a long, long nothing, and only then a priest.’

This exceptional priest was known for his attitude towards children. He listened to what they had to say and respected their opinions. He even prepared special masses for pre-schoolers at St Mark’s Church. Above all, they were remarkable because children could bring their beloved toys to church. Father Tischner then introduced the custom of dialogue homilies.

Józef Tischner died in Kraków in 2000. His grave, with an interesting stone slab whose uneven surface forms a model of the Gorce Range and a metal cross, is located in the parish cemetery in Łopuszna that was established around 1813.