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Kościół Narodzenia Najświętszej Maryi Panny Harklowa

The Parish Church of the Nativity of the BVM in Harklowa

Na wprost drewniany kościół z dachem krytym gontem, z podcieniami, z oknami zakończonymi u góry trójkątem, z wejściem z boku. Z kwadratową wieżą z pochylonymi ścianami, pokrytą gontem oraz małą wieżyczką w dachu. Na około rosną wysokie drzewa. Za kościołem widać ogrodzenie pokryte gontem. Na niebie duże kłębiaste chmury.

Harklowa 84, 34-434 Harklowa Tourist region: Tatry i Podhale

tel. +48 182751725
The Parish Church of the Nativity of the BVM in Harklowa was built in around 1500 on the site of a previous church.
The building, erected using log construction and surrounded by an external arcade (soboty), retains the mass of a gothic church. The interior has retained authentic decorative elements from the period the church was built. These are above all the two gothic lancet arch portals, which pass into a barely accentuated ogee arch; the remnants of polychrome decoration of the patron saint from 1500, and late-baroque altars – the main one houses paintings from the original early-C16th gothic triptych.

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