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Jezioro Czorsztyńskie

The Czorsztyńskie Lake

Dwie kładki i dwa pomosty przy plaży i dużym akwenie wodnym. Przy pierwszym pomoście statek turystyczny z pokładem tarasowym u góry i drugim pod nim. Statek przybrany jest w kolorowe małe chorągiewki. Na nim turyści. Za statkiem widać pływające białe żaglówki. W tle na wzgórzu zamek murowany. Po prawej lasy, po lewej w oddali domy i wysokie pasmo gór. Nad nim pogodne niebo.

Czorsztyn Tourist region: Pieniny i Spisz

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A magical place worth spending a vacation or weekend here. The lake located between the Gorce and Pieniny Mountains is a place of perfect rest, recreation and admiring the landscapes.

The Dunajec - the right tributary of the Vistula flows eastwards through the Nowotarska Basin, where its waters are dammed up by the dam in Niedzica, creating the Czorsztyńskie Lake, and then through the dam in Sromowce Wyżne, creating the Sromowski Reservoir. The Czorsztyńskie Lake  is nine kilometres long and is perfect for recreational activities. Its shores are easily accessible in several places, and the surroundings are extremely picturesque, where you can sail, dive, and swim. Access to the lake is provided by road No. 969 from Nowy Targ to Krościenko nad Dunajcem and a side road from Dębno to Niedzica. There are several beaches and marinas on the lake. In Niedzica, just 200 meters from the hill with the castle, you can relax at the Zamajerz-Zamek swimming area, the only life-guarded one. Next to it, there is a yacht port and a water equipment rental. On the northern shore, there is the Stara Droga swimming resort in Kluszkowce. At the Aqualand marina you can find dining options and equipment rental. The main dam, the ruins of the castle in Czorsztyn and the castle in Niedzica are definitely worth a walk. You can circle the lake by bike thanks to the VeloCzorsztyn route.

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