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Kościół świętego Stanisława Biskupa i Męczennika Frydman

Church of St Ladislas in Frydman

Widok z lotu ptaka na otoczony murowanym, białym ogrodzeniem z dzwonnicą po prawej, okazały murowany, biały kościół z wysoką kwadratową wieżą. Za nią niższa nawa z wieżyczką z sygnaturką. Obok ośmiokątna bryła z dachem namiotowym, zwieńczonym u góry. W tle widoczne zabudowania, drzewa, jezioro i niewielki wzgórza. Na niebie kilka chmur.

ul. Kościelna 1, 34-435 Frydman Tourist region: Pieniny i Spisz

tel. +48 182851825
This church, the oldest in the northern Podtatrze region, was built at the beginning of the 14th century. Today, all that remains of that church is its fundamental core and shape. However, while the body of the church itself has not undergone major transformations, its interior has changed over the centuries.

According to tradition, the Frydman parish was supposed to have functioned as early as 1073. The first historical mention of the village dates back to 1320, when it was the property of the Berzewicz family, who at that time owned the whole area of Zamagurze and administratively belonged to Hungary. It is a single-aisle, stone-built church. The structure of the external walls is strengthened by buttresses, characteristic of Gothic buildings. In 1587 the church in Frydman was taken over by Lutherans who kept it until 1640. The church was thoroughly renovated in 1640–1642 and in 1683. According to tradition, this date is associated with the visit and thanksgiving service held in Frydman by the King John III Sobieski upon his return from Vienna. The oldest elements of the church are a window in the eastern wall of the sacristy with a Romanesque form, an early Gothic stone head visible in the corner of the nave and an early Gothic portal leading to the nave. Gothic traceries have also been preserved in the windows. The church tower attracts a lot of attention. The later extension of the impressive church tower is topped with a unique attic from the 18th century. Traces of the former wooden watchtower, which burned down in the 18th century, can be still seen on the tower. The interior furnishings of the church are mainly Baroque and date back to the 18th century. The church is surrounded by a wall with two entrance gates and a bell tower.

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