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Kościół świętej Katarzyny Aleksandryjskiej Nowa Biała

Church of St Catherine of Alexandria in Nowa Biała

Widok z góry na stojący pomiędzy drzewami okazały, jasny, murowany kościół z wysoką, kwadratową wieżą z baniastym hełmem pod wieżyczką. Nawa długa z zamkniętym trójbocznie prezbiterium. Na dachu mała wieżyczka. Po bokach ulice i dużo zabudowań za nimi. Z tyłu las.

ul. Obłazowa 11, 34-433 Nowa Biała Tourist region: Pieniny i Spisz

A wooden church was built in 1632 on the site where the present brick Church of St Catherine of Alexandria was erected in 1748. It is an example of the so-called Spisz Baroque.

The imposing structure of the church is distinguished by a tall tower built on a square plan. It is beautifully decorated with a wavy cornice and covered with a Baroque onion dome. The portal at the entrance to the sacristy dates back to 1781. The interior furnishings of the church are mainly in the Rococo style. The main altar, surrounded by statues of Saint Barbara and Saint Apollonia, presents the martyrdom of Saint Catherine in an 18th-century painting. The confessional from 1744 is decorated with folk ornaments, while the classicist pulpit shows an image of a sower in clothing typical of people from Spisz. The church treasury stores a valuable monstrance from 1766 that was financed by Jan Wincenty Pawlak and made by Jan Szilassy, a well-known goldsmith from Levoča. The church is fenced with a stone wall, within which are the remains of the churchyard.

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