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War Cemetery no. 171 in Łowczówek

War Cemetery no. 171 in Łowczówek

Kilkadziesiąt mogił z I Wojny Światowej ustawionych w rzędach, z metalowymi krzyżami na betonowych słupkach. Na złączeniach ramion krzyży tabliczki z napisami. Środkiem biegnie alejka do kaplicy z czterema grubymi filarami na rogach i ze stromym dachem, z krzyżem w szczycie. Drzwi duże, z łukiem. Wzdłuż alejki niskie żywopłoty. Wokół cmentarza wysokie drzewa i mur z kamieni. Za nim drzewa w barwach jesiennych. U góry mgliste niebo.

33-171 Łowczówek Tourist region: Tarnów i okolice

This most famous necropolis of the 6th Tarnów cemetery district was designed by Siegfried Heller and Heinrich Scholz.
The cemetery is encircled by a stone wall covered with a shingled roof. The brick Chapel of the Blessed Virgin Mary the Queen of Poland with an altar. The building was erected on a plan of a rectangle with an apse, and its roof is ornamented by a flèche with a Latin cross on top. The graves in front of the chapel are arranged in rows perpendicular to the path, running across the middle of the cemetery field, while the graves located behind the chapel are arranged in a fan-shaped way in semi-circles. The Polish legionaries and Austrian soldiers killed in action in 1914 are buried in the lower part of the cemetery, while the Austrian and Russian soldiers killed in 1915 – in the upper part. The graves feature five types of crosses, e.g. cast-iron crosses with plaques at the intersection point, typical for Jan Szczepkowski’s designs. The necropolis on Kopaliny Mount is the burial site of 113 out of 128 legionaries killed in action in the Battle of Łowczówek from the 1st and 5th Infantry Regiments of the First Brigade of the Polish Legions. It is also the burial site of 159 other Austro-Hungarian and 239 Russian soldiers.

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