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Rev. Józef Tischner Memory House, called Tischnerówka

Rev. Józef Tischner Memory House, called Tischnerówka

Duży budynek i napis Tischnerówka  przed nim.

ul. Gorczańska 7, 34-432 Łopuszna Tourist region: Tatry i Podhale

tel. +48 182653969
This is where you can see Father Józef Tischner's famous highland shirt and skis. 'Tischnerowka' is where all the paths taken throughout the life by this well-known and well-liked clergyman, eminent philosopher, and lover of mountains and mountaineering meet.

Some of the items in this wooden cottage today were donated by the family, and many were brought in by local residents. Thus, 'Tischnerowka' housed Father Józef Tischner's favourite books, documents, and manuscripts, as well as a sofa, a wooden chest, and a sideboard. Among the memorabilia are interesting photographs, the desk at which he wrote, correspondence (including that conducted with John Paul II), a highland shirt, rucksack, and skis. The multimedia room presents documentaries and radio programmes. There is also a short film featuring the priest and a group of mountaineers.

The exhibition of the interior of 'Tischnerowka' was created by Ewa and Maciej Berbek from Zakopane. Dom Pamięci księdza Józefa Tischnera, known as 'Tischnerowka', was added next to the Community Cultural Centre. It is made up of two parts: a classical museum part and a modern multimedia part.