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S. Żechowski Artists’ Retreat in Miechów

S. Żechowski Artists’ Retreat in Miechów

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Rynek 17, 32-200 Miechów Tourist region: Kraków i okolice

tel. +48 413810187
fax. +48 413830795
Stefan Żechowski, the Artist-run Gallery "Under the Stained Glass" by Wincenty Kućma, the Artist-run Gallery "Saint Tropez" by Sacha Stawiarski and the Salon of Contemporary Art "Colours of Małopolska".
The objective of the facility is to popularize the work of the outstanding artist who was born and spent most of his life in the Miechów region, as well as to collect and share his works and information related to this person. Currently, there are four permanent art exhibitions located here: the Artist-run Gallery "I Dreamed My Own Art" by The facility is managed by BWA "U Jaksy".

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