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The “Seclusion” Manor House in Miechów

The “Seclusion” Manor House in Miechów

Drewniany dworek na kamiennej podmurówce, z gankiem po środku z dachem wspartym na czterech drewnianych belkach Przez ganek prowadzą schody kamienne do drewnianych szerokich drzwi. Po bokach po dwa małe, dzielone okna. Nad gankiem wysunięta drewniana jaskółka. Dach stromy, pokryty gontem. Na około trawa i wysokie drzewa. Na niebie jasna duża chmura.

ul. Polna 1, 32-200 Miechów Tourist region: Kraków i okolice

tel. +48 413890389
tel. +48 413810187
The “Seclusion” Manor House in Miechów was erected in 1784. It is a ground floor small manor house built using log construction to a rectangular plan, and has a Polish mansard roof with shingled garrets.
The interior is two-bay and consists of four rooms divided by a connecting hallway. The building is a very good example of a bourgeois residence and contains all the architectural elements characteristic of Old Polish manor houses, displayed proportionally and with understated detail. Currently the building is run by the Galeria „U Jaksy”.

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