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The bell-tower in Zaborów

The bell-tower in Zaborów

Na wprost z ukosa niewielki drewniany budynek stojący na trawie, na podmurówce z kamieni, z oknami, na dachu z baniastym hełmem zwieńczonym krzyżem, pokrytym blachą. Za nim po prawej kapliczka. Z tyłu ogrodzenie i za nim dwa budynki.  Po bokach i z tyłu wysokie drzewa bez liści. Niebo prawie bezchmurne.

Zaborów 85, 32-821 Zaborów Tourist region: Tarnów i okolice

tel. +48 146715151
The 1830 bell-tower in Zaborów, next to the church of the Blessed Virgin Mary, originally stood next to a wooden chapel erected in 1814, and later next to a wooden church built in 1835 (dismantled in 1950).
The bell-tower is post construction and set on a stone foundation. It is tetrahedral in shape with perpendicular walls above which a bulbous octagonal cupola rises. The Parish Church in Zaborów was erected in 1949-51 on the site of the wooden church, from which items were transferred, including the cult “Zaborów Madonna with Child”, a bas relief of God the Father, and the figures of St. Peter and St. Paul.