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Krzesławice Fort in Kraków

Krzesławice Fort in Kraków

Widok z lotu ptaka. Na dole długi dach budynku, przed nim parking z samochodami. Z drugiej strony ledwo wystające z ziemi betonowe elementy - zabudowania fortu. Cały teren zielony. U góry, po bokach, widać kilka zabudowań pomiędzy drzewami.

os. Na Stoku 27B, 31-704 Kraków Tourist region: Kraków i okolice

tel. +48 126452714
Located between the valleys of two rivers: the Vistula and Dłubnia Rivers. It is a typical one-embankment artillery fort.
It was built in the 1870s as the wooden-earth entrenchment. Its current appearance is a result of reconstruction carried out in the years 1881–1886 and the later modernization works. The entrance gate, located in the middle of the barrack building, is flanked by the type of a small bastion, designated for close distance defence. Immediately after the outbreak of the First World War, the fort was brought to the state of combat readiness by the reinforcement of the field fortifications and abatises between the fort and the adjacent forts, and also in the fort forefront. This fort fired at the forefront of the fortress in the direction of the so-called Proszowice Route and the railway line to Kocmyrzów, running parallel to it, in November of 1914, when the Russian forces approached Kraków from northeast. Nowadays, the fort houses a Local Culture Centre.

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