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Quarries in Zakrzówek in Krakow

Quarries in Zakrzówek in Krakow

Widok na jezioro. Na pierwszym planie krzew z owocami - małymi czerwonymi kulkami. Po lewej i za jeziorem urwiste, wapienne skałki i na nich rosnące krzewy i drzewa. Niebo prawie bezchmurne.

ul. Wyłom, 30-373 Kraków Tourist region: Kraków i okolice

Since the beginning of the 20th century, limestone has been extracted in the quarries in Zakrzówek. Once mining was ended in 1991, the excavation was filled with water and an area very attractive in terms of landscape was created.
The former quarries are located on the route In the Footsteps of John Paul II in Krakow. In the years 1940-1941, Karol Wojtyła worked here as a labourer. Nearby, at the intersection of ul. Norymberska, ul. Pychowicka and ul. Wyłom, there is a little pole shrine from 1903.

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