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The Parish Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Racławice

The Parish Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Racławice

Drewniany kościół na niewielkim wzniesieniu, z niższą kwadratową wieżą, dalej wyższym prezbiterium ze stromym dwuspadowym dachem pokrytym gontem i z sygnaturką z baniastym hełmem. Po prawej obok świątyni drewniana dzwonnica częściowo zasłonięta przez wysokie drzewa. Kościół otoczony jest drewnianym ogrodzeniem. Prowadzą do niego schody z barierkami. Po bokach trawa i obok chodnika drewniany niski płotek. Po lewej stronie kościoła wysokie drzewa. Niebo z kilkoma chmurami.

Racławice 54, 32-049 Przeginia Tourist region: Kraków i okolice

tel. +48 122829385
The church dates from 1511. It is considered a late-gothic church and has come down to our times with little alteration, except for the addition of a spire during repairs at the turn of the C18th.
The nave and chancel are covered by a polygonal shingled roof. Inside there are impressive gothic carpentry details from the period when the church was built. The walls are covered with renaissance polychrome decoration from the middle of the C17th, showing Passion and Marian scenes and images of the Saints. The most precious gothic relics among the fittings are the sculpture of Madonna with Child from the beginning of the C15th and a crucifix on the rood beam. In nearby Czubrowice, there is the original Way of the Cross, situated beautifully among the rocky hoodoos.

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