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Church of the Holy Spirit in Podstolice

Church of the Holy Spirit in Podstolice

Ciemne wnętrze drewnianego kościoła. Widok na górną część kościoła z bocznym ołtarzem z ukrzyżowanym Chrystusem w ozdobnej ramie. Po prawej okno i przed nim wysoka chorągiew z wizerunkiem świętego. Po lewej okno i wiszący z sufitu z malowanym obrazem Matki Bożej, żyrandol wieloramienny. Pod nim ołtarz główny z obrazem i figurami po bokach.

Podstolice 25, 32-020 Wieliczka Tourist region: Pogórza

tel. +48 124518135
tel. +48 780166933
The wooden church in Podstolice was built in 1870. Initially, it did not have a tower, which was only added after the belfry -–standing nearby – was destroyed during World War I.
Bells and turret from 1631, named after St. Agnes, were moved from the old church during the reconstruction, as well as three altars that have survived to this day. On 7 August 1988, Father Cardinal Franciszek Macharski, the Metropolitan of Kraków, laid the foundation stone, which was consecrated by the Holy Father John Paul II. Within the preparation for the 700th anniversary of the parish (2000), paintings in the altars were renovated and the organ was restored.

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