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Kościół Ducha Świętego Chronów

The church of the Holy Spirit Chronów

Na wprost drewniany kościół od strony trójbocznego prezbiterium, z dachem krytym gontem, z wieżyczką na środku i dalej fragment kwadratowej wieży. Od prawej zadaszona przybudówka, za nią wysokie jak nawa prezbiterium, dalej nawa przy której z boku jest zadaszona przybudówka z otwartymi drzwiami i kilkoma schodami. Obok stoi wysoki krzyż. Wokół rośnie trawa i położony jest kamienny chodnik. Dalej widać drewniane ogrodzenie. Wokoło rosną drzewa. Na niebie pierzaste chmury i kilka kłębiastych.

Chronów 16, 32-720 Nowy Wiśnicz Tourist region: Pogórza

tel. +48 146856750
The Church of the Holy Spirit in Chronów was built in 1685. It was rebuilt a few times over the centuries; during one of such works, the temple was connected with the nearby tower.
The nave and the presbytery are covered with a joint shingle roof, and the walls are covered with vertical boards. The cupola of the tower and the steeples are covered with metal sheets. The nave is covered with a pseudo barrel vault, and the aisles are covered with flat ceilings. The interior of the temple is decorated with a polychrome made in 1930. The furnishings date back to the Baroque era; it is worth noticing the main altar with a painting of the Descent of the Holy Spirit and beautiful spiral columns. The side altars are decorated with paintings of Our Mother of Perpetual Help and the Heart of Jesus. The most interesting historic element of the temple was a painting of the Martyrdom of Saints Crispin and Crispinian dating back to the early 16th century, which is today kept in the Diocesan Museum in Tarnów. In the nearby village of Stary Wiśnicz, there is a Gothic Renaissance church with a bell cast in 1545 by the same master who made Sigismund's Bell at Wawel. Source: drewniana.malopolska.pl

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