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Muzeum Pamiątek po Janie Matejce „Koryznówka” Nowy Wiśnicz

The Koryznówka manor house in Nowy Wiśnicz

Słoneczny dzień. Drewniany budynek, pokryty gontem, z jaskółką i małym gankiem po trzech schodach, widziany z ukosa. Przed nim trawnik, trzy długie ławki i za nimi pod oknami kwiaty. Na wprost wysokie choinki i dużo zieleni. Po prawej drewniany płot i furtka. Za nimi dużo zieleni.

Stary Wiśnicz 278, 32-720 Nowy Wiśnicz Tourist region: Pogórza

tel. +48 146100640
tel. +48 787837988
The Koryznówka manor house in Nowy Wiśnicz dates from the 1850s. It is a small, log-construction, two-bay manor house with a porch, covered by a hipped roof.
The house was erected by Leonard Serafiński, who treated it as a summer house. The manor house and fittings have retained their original appearance, and since 1981 the interior houses a biographical museum devoted to Jan Matejko. As well as furniture and equipment from the C18th-C19th the exposition also comprises paintings, drawings (e.g. portraits of the Giebułtowski family and caricatures of manor house residents) and other objects connected to Jan Matejko, including a fortepiano on which the master played.

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