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The Auxiliary Church of the Nativity of the BVM in Jodłownik

The Auxiliary Church of the Nativity of the BVM in Jodłownik

Na wprost dalej drewniany kościół z wieżą z pochyłymi ścianami i szerszą izbicą. Z nawą i prezbiterium z wysokim dachem pokrytym gontem, na nim wieżyczka z sygnaturką. Z boku prezbiterium niska zakrystia z małym oknem i wysokim dachem. Wokół świątyni alejki wyłożone kamieniem, trawniki i kilka drzew. Po prawej blisko klomb z młodym drzewem. Z tyłu za kościołem drzewa i dwa budynki. Niebo prawie bezchmurne.

Jodłownik 27, 34-620 Jodłownik Tourist region: Gorce i Beskid Wyspowy

tel. +48 183321080
The Auxiliary Church of the Nativity of the BVM in Jodłownik was erected in 1585 under the patronage of Przecław Niewiarowski.
In the second half of the C18th it was renovated and fully fitted. It is one of the most beautiful late-gothic churches in Małopolska, with log walls that are vertically boarded and moulded. The nave ceiling is decorated by rococo polychrome from the second half of the C18th, depicting the Coronation of Our Lady. The church includes: a main altar from the second half of the C17th with a painting of the Presentation of the BVM and statues of the saints, a late-renaissance pulpit from the end of the C16th, and a wooden font from 1915. Some of the baroque fittings were transferred to the neighbouring parish church. Sites worth seeing! In the vicinity of Jodłownik there is Kostrza mountain (719 m above sea level) with a characteristic shape seen from Wieliczka. In a beech forest covering the peak there is a cluster of hart's-tongue fern, unique in Europe.

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