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Church of St Bartholomew in Niedzica

Church of St Bartholomew in Niedzica

Widok z boku, zza murowanego ogrodzenia - kościół murowany gotycki, z dwuspadowym dachem i kwadratową wysoką wieżą od frontu. Przy ogrodzeniu kilka wysokich drzew, które zasłaniają nieco widok.

ul. 3 Maja 91, 34-441 Niedzica Tourist region: Pieniny i Spisz

tel. +48 182629428
One of the oldest sacral monuments in Spisz. The church was built at the beginning of the 14th century and its founder was a nobleman from the rich Hungarian family of Kokosz Berzeviczy who also started the construction of the Niedzica Castle.

The first confirmed mention of the Church of St Bartholomew dates back to 1325. It was then that Kokosz Berzeviczy granted the presbytery and patronage of the church to the Carthusian Order from the nearby Czerwony Klasztor (Red Monastery). Archaeological research as well as the yearbooks of the Spisz diocese indicate that a wooden church in Niedzica already existed In the 1370s. However, it was most probably destroyed during the Tartar invasion in 1287. The stone-built Church of St Bartholomew belongs to the group of Gothic churches of the Polish Spisz (Frydman, Kacwin, Krempachy, Łapsze Niżne). They all have a simple single-nave layout with the presbytery covered with a groin vault. Over the centuries, the interior architecture of the church has undergone numerous reconstructions. Nowadays, it mostly represents the late Baroque style. In the presbytery, the Gothic figural paintings 'Crucifixion' and 'Throne of Grace' dating from 1390 to 1420 have been preserved, as well as a meaningful inscription in minuscule: 'confession without repentance, love without fidelity, prayer without cordiality are all in vain'. Moreover, in the church you can admire a priceless triptych from around 1454, depicting the legend of Saint Bartholomew and the martyr's death in... India. Unfortunately, only part of the triptych has been preserved in Niedzica; the rest can be seen in the Museum of Fine Arts in Budapest. In the middle of the 18th century, a chapel of Our Lady of Sorrows was added to the northern nave of the church, with a Rococo altar with Pietà, a matroneum and a double confessional.

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