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Church of St John the Baptist in Jaworki

Church of St John the Baptist in Jaworki

Po lewej przy drodze trawnik, po prawej ogrodzenie z beli drewnianych z murkami z kamieni. Za nim murowany kościół o prostej bryle z wieżą z dwoma baniastymi hełmami i krzyżem, długą nawą, dobudowaną zakrystią. Dach pokryty miedzianą blachą. Przed kościołem choinki. Obok wysokie drzewo. Z tyłu drzewa i widok na zalesione wzgórze i zachmurzone niebo.

ul. Kościelna 24, 34-460 Jaworki Tourist region: Pieniny i Spisz

tel. +48 182622752
This white church is one of the most beautiful religious buildings in Małe Pieniny. It was built at the end of the 18th century as the Greek Catholic Church of St John Chrysostom. What draws attention is the iconostasis restored in accordance with the canons of the decorative arts of Eastern painters and artists.

The wooden Lemko Orthodox church was built in 1680, and a new one was built after a fire in 1798. It is a plastered, single-nave, classicist brick building made of hewn stone with Baroque elements. It is a rural Josephines' church with a simple exterior without decoration, with architecture based on Austrian official standards. The nave and presbytery are covered by saddleback roofs that originally were shingled but today are covered in copper sheeting. The tall clock tower is topped by an onion dome with a lantern. The slender ridge tower is topped only by an onion dome.

The church has an elongated nave and a narrower, three-sided chancel to which the sacristy is adjacent. The entrance is located under the tower. The interior has a barrel vault with lunettes, which together with the walls is covered by a polychrome from 1926 created by Andriy Demkovich. The richly decorated 18th century Greek Catholic Rococo iconostasis is filled with valuable icons. The openwork Tsarist gates with a pair of columns are covered by a ciborium. The matroneum is supported by a triple arcade. There are also side altars, a pulpit, and a procession float formerly belonging to the Orthodox church. In the chancel there is a picture of St John the Evangelist painted on a board. Since 1946 it has been the Roman Catholic parish of Szlachtowa.

A Lemko cemetery surrounded by a stone and wooden fence is adjacent to the church.

In the 21st century, the church was renovated, the iconostasis was restored and the roof covering was changed. A protected site of the lesser horseshoe bat is in the attic.