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St. Martin’s church in Wiśniowa

St. Martin’s church in Wiśniowa

Na wprost jednonawowy drewniany kościół z ukosa. Z zabudowanym wejściem, z wysoką nawą z oknami z łukiem, z boku z niską przybudówką. Ze stromym dwuspadowym dachem pokrytym gontem, z wieżyczką na środku z sygnaturką.  Wokół trawa i chodnik, całość otoczona drewniano-murowanym ogrodzeniem, za którym rosną wysokie drzewa liściaste. Niebo częściowo zachmurzone.

Wiśniowa 1a, 32-412 Wiśniowa Tourist region: Gorce i Beskid Wyspowy

tel. +48 122714097
tel. +48 516995552
The church was built in 1720-1730 and comprehensively renovatedand reconstructed in the 19th century.
The church trunk comprises a presbytery and a wider and higher nave to which a vestibule adheres. The church has log-framework structure and is covered with a double-ridge roof. The interior is adorned with rich polychrome decoration, mainly with plant motifs, made in 1910. In the church, there are five altarpieces, the main one features a miraculous painted image of Our Lady of Wiśniowa (1600s). Other interesting interior items include a baroque pulpit (late 1600s), late-baroque stone baptismal font (second half of the 1700s) as well as a 17th-century crucifix. The church is also a storage place for the pennons of the Kamiennik division of the Home Army.

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