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The Church of St. Simon and St. Jude Thaddeus the Apostles in Białka Tatrzańska

The Church of St. Simon and St. Jude Thaddeus the Apostles in Białka Tatrzańska

Na wprost drewniany kościół widziany lekko z góry, z ukosa. Od przodu niski, zadaszony przedsionek, za nim wysoka, kwadratowa wieża, z pochyłymi ścianami i dachem zwieńczonym u góry krzyżem. Dalej szersza i niższa nawa z węższym prezbiterium. Dachy pokryte gontem. Na dachu nawy wieżyczka. Obok świątyni po prawej kilka nagrobków. Na około kilka drzew. W tle dachy budynków i wzgórze. Niebo z kłębiastymi chmurami. i drzew.

ul. Środkowa 183, 34-405 Białka Tatrzańska Tourist region: Tatry i Podhale

tel. +48 182654177
tel. +48 606291481
The Church of St. Simon and St. Jude Thaddeus the Apostles in Białka Tatrzańska was built in around 1700 by the local carpenters – Jędrzej Topór and Jan Chlipalski.
The church ceased to perform the function of parish church in the 1920s, when a new brick church came into use. The interior has retained remnants of figurative polychrome from the mid-C19th. The numerous sculptures on the church ceiling and walls catch the eye, including those by the folk artist Wojciech Kułach. The church fittings, mainly late-baroque and rococo, include: altars with polychrome decoration, a pulpit from 1780 and C19th Stations of the Cross.

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