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Crypt of Honour Under the Church on the Rock (Krypta Zasłużonych na Skałce) in Krakow

Crypt of Honour Under the Church on the Rock (Krypta Zasłużonych na Skałce) in Krakow

Od lewej drzewa i widok na jasny, duży, trzykondygnacyjny budynek z szarym, niskim dachem i z wieloma oknami. Obok przy nim jasny kościół z dwiema wieżami, obok drzewa. To Kościół na Skałce przy Bulwarach Wiślanych w Krakowie. Przed budynkami widać ogrodzenie, ścieżkę i trawnik wzdłuż rzeki Wisły. W tle dachy budynków i wieże kościołów.

ul. Skałeczna 15, 31-065 Kraków Tourist region: Kraków i okolice

tel. +48 126190900
tel. +48 506367521
Between the stairs leading to the Church on the Rock of Pauline Fathers, the Crypt of Honour, built in 1882, was intended as a mausoleum for eminent Poles. The Latin inscription on its arch reads: Credo, Quod Redemptor Meus Vivit I believe that My Redeemer Lives.

The Basilica on the Rock looks beautiful from the Vistula River, as befits one of the most important churches in the history of Poland. A great tragedy was supposed to have happened here when, by order of Bolesław the Generous Stanisław of Szczepanów, the Bishop of Kraków, was murdered. Krakow's 'Skałka (Rock)' witnessed many celebrations, during which kings and princes arrived here. With time, the cult of Saint Stanislaus became more and more popular, and there were always pilgrims coming here from all over the world. Since 1880, in the crypts of the Basilica of St. Michael the Archangel and St. Stanislaus the Bishop, burials of people meritorious for Poland and Krakow have taken place. The originator of the crypt was Professor Józef Łepkowski. Among others, the following people have their tombs here: Jan Długosz, Wincenty Pol, Józef Ignacy Kraszewski, Adam Asnyk, Stanisław Wyspiański, Jacek Malczewski, Karol Szymanowski, Ludwik Solski, Tadeusz Banachiewicz and Czesław Miłosz.

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