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The National Museum Main Building, Krakow

The National Museum Main Building, Krakow

Pomieszczenie w którym znajdują się przeszklone gabloty. W gablocie po prawej widać suknię balową, w oddali srebrną zastawę stołową. Po lewej za szklana gablotą znajdują się różne szklane wazony, kieliszki, karafki.

al. 3 Maja 1, 30-062 Kraków Tourist region: Kraków i okolice

tel. +48 124335500
fax. +48 124335555
The National Museum in Krakow is the oldest and the largest museum that is called “National” in Poland. It was established in 1879 by the decision of the Krakow City Council. Until the end of World War I, it was the only large museum open to the public in Poland and to this day remains the institution with the largest number of collections, buildings and permanent galleries. There is currently a collection of over 900,000 exhibits under the care of the Museum.

In the building, designed by Bolesław Szmidt, Czesław Boratyński and Edward Kreisler, erected intermittently in the years 1934-1989, there is an artistic craft gallery. The exhibition, with its stylishly arranged interiors and its collection of gold, fabrics, clothing, furniture, ceramics and glassware, complete with a unique collection of musical instruments and judaica features nearly 4,000 exhibits presented in nine exhibition rooms. It is also planned to open a permanent gallery of Polish art of the 20th and 21st centuries. In accordance with the mission of the museum, temporary exhibitions are organised in the variable exhibition halls of the Main Building, presenting both works belonging to its collections, as well as those borrowed from other institutions and owned by private collectors. The Main Building of the museum also includes workshops (conservation, art, photography), a workshop and a shop where you can buy publications about art, postcards, reproductions of works of art and souvenirs. The museum cares greatly about the children who come to visit. There are special guides created to introduce them to the history of art. The building is also adapted for those with disabilities.

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