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Biecz District Museum

Biecz District Museum

Budynek Muzeum Ziemi Bieckiej i droga wykonana z kostki brukowej.

ul. Kromera 3, 38-340 Biecz Tourist region: Pogórza

tel. +48 134471328
tel. +48 134401256
Biecz, called the little Kraków, is second to Kraków in terms of the number of monuments in Małopolska. Some of the historic buildings house interesting museums.
The Kromerówka Museum, a branch of the Biecz District Museum, is located in a Renaissance tenement from 1519 and it contains items related to the history of the town and region, showing the rich cultural variety of the Biecz culture. It is worth paying attention to the biographical exhibitions devoted to Marcin Kromer and Wacław Potocki. The Museum of Pharmacy takes up another Renaissance tenement and a fragment of defensive walls with a 14th century tower. In 1557 the pharmacy of Marcin Barian-Rokicki, the first in the region, was established. The exhibition presents the history of pharmacy which goes beyond the local significance. It is worth visiting the reconstructed pharmacy room on the ground floor of the tower. The tower called Baszta Kowalska now houses an exhibition devoted to the history of the Biecz scouting/guiding (from 1911 until contemporary times), as well as paintings and prints of Helena and Juliusz Krajewski. Turma, the branch of the Biecz District Museum, which is located on the ground floor of the 14th century town hall tower, features an exhibition of medieval instruments of torture.

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