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The Benedictine Abbey, Tyniec

The Benedictine Abbey, Tyniec

Kościół oraz inne kamienne zabudowania z czerwonymi dachami stojące na wzgórzu skalistym, porośniętym drzewami, nad rzeką. W oddali panorama miasta. Niskie chmury na niebie.

ul. Benedyktyńska 37, 30-398 Kraków Tourist region: Kraków i okolice

tel. +48 126885452
It boasts almost 1000 years of history and one of the most beautiful panoramas of the Vistula River and its surroundings. The Benedictine Abbey in Tyniec, picturesquely situated on a limestone hill by the river, could easily have been the backdrop for the famous film, “The Name of the Rose”.

Here, visitors not only come to rest but also to remain silent while on retreat. Take a walk, a bike ride on the path leading along the Vistula from Krakow, buy Benedictine products or see an exhibition in a museum. The impressively situated abbey was founded in 1041 as the first Benedictine monastery, i.e. black monks, in Poland. The monastery buildings, along with the church of Saint Apostles Peter and Paul, are surrounded by a wall. The remains of the oldest Romanesque church (foundations and a wall with a portal) have been preserved. The present layout of the church comes from its reconstruction in the 15th century, and its interior is baroque. The abbey is a place where the past and the present merge, where the walls remember both tragic and glorious days. It is worth visiting them, learning about the history of black brothers, as well as the legends that surround them. The museum exhibition located in the basement and on the ground floor of the former library building helps in bringing this history to life. In Tyniec, you can not only take part in retreats and workshops, live in the Guest House, and learn about the life of monks, but also drink beer from a local brewery.

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