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Monument of the Victims of the First World War in Skała

Monument of the Victims of the First World War in Skała

Pomnik z piaskowca z piaskowca z wyprofilowanym krzyżem maltańskim. Na niewielkim postumencie wyryty jest napis: „Innym laury, innym sława a wam tylko dola krwawa. Tu spoczywają w Bogu nieznani żołnierze I wojny światowej polegli w okolicach Skały w listopadzie 1914 roku”.

ul. Krakowska/Rzeźnicza, 32-043 Skała Tourist region: Jura Krakowsko-Częstochowska

The Monument of the Victims of the First World War, erected after the war stands in front of the cemetery entrance. It commemorates the residents of Skała who were killed in action fighting for the independence and were murdered during the January Uprising and the two world wars.
At least four legionaries, who were killed in the autumn and winter of 1914 on the Eastern Front of the Great War, e.g. at Krzywopłoty, originated from Skała. A plaque dedicated to their memory is also placed on the monument.

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