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Muzeum Powstania Chochołowskiego (Chochołów Uprising Museum), Chochołów

Muzeum Powstania Chochołowskiego (Chochołów Uprising Museum), Chochołów

Na wprost za ulicą z pasami - przejściem dla pieszych i za chodnikiem stoi drewniany góralski dom w ogrodzeniu z drewnianych sztachet. Z grubych bali, z dachem dwuspadowym pokrytym gontem. Od lewej nieduże okno, dalej zadaszony mały ganek wsparty na dwóch słupach. Obok drzwi siedzi mężczyzna. Dalej w prawo dwa okna, pomiędzy nimi figurka. Po prawej małe okno. W tle widać ulicę i fragment budynku. Po lewej fragment dachu pokrytego blachą i ściana budynku. Niebo prawie bezchmurne.

Chochołów 75, 34-513 Chochołów Tourist region: Tatry i Podhale

tel. +48 182015205
Chałupa Bafiów (The Bafia Family Cottage) – the Chochołów Uprising Museum, a branch of the Tatra Museum in Zakopane, was erected in 1798 and rebuilt in 1889. The homestead belonged to Jan Bafia. The walls of the log structure are made of wide flat logs, the half-gable roof is decorated with a “słonecko” (sun) and a “pazdur” (a spire-like decoration on the end of a rafter beam). The cottage houses a museum exhibition devoted to the Chochołów Uprising that broke out on February 22, 1846, featured against the background of the typical interiors of highlander cottages from mid-19th century. The black room showcases everyday utensils, and the white room – festive items.

The Podhale village of Chochołów has a rich history dating back to the early 16th century. The village became famous in the Podhale region from the Chochołów Uprising of 1846, followed by a short-lived armed uprising against Austria during the Krakow Revolution that preceded the Springtime of Nations. The exhibition at the Chochołów Uprising Museum recalls that significant episode in the history of Chochołów in 1846, known as “poruseństwo chochołowskie” (the Chochołów uprising). The interior attempts to combine the history of the uprising with an ethnographic exhibition, showing the life of a highlander family in the mid-19th century. The “black” room, which was the centre of the family’s daily life, features equipment necessary to carry out farm work. The “white” chamber, known as “grand”, has a different character; used for holidays, it is bright, with decorated appliances, paintings on glass, ceramics – in short, objects that testify to the wealth of the hosts. The boards displayed in all interiors of the historic house make up the historical part of the exhibition. The texts, photos of documents and drawings show the old traditions of the royal village of Chochołów. The figure of Seweryn Goszczyński, a poet and conspirator connected with the Tetmajer family from Łopuszna, is also displayed at the exhibition.