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Pass over Łapszanka

Pass over Łapszanka

Pola pożółkłe od kwiatów, ciągnące się ku dolinie. Po prawej i lewej kilka drzew. Na wprost w oddali lasy a nad nimi wysokie szczyty gór, częściowo po lewej ośnieżone i kłębiaste chmury na niebie.

34-442 Łapsze Niżne Tourist region: Pieniny i Spisz

Next to Litwinka, this is the most famous Spiš viewing point in the Tatra Mountains. The Polish-Slovakian border runs through the Pass over Łapszanka (945 metres above sea level); however, it does not run at the top of the ridge but just below along its southern slopes.
Two streams flow down from both slopes of the pass. On the northern side is the Łapszanka Creek, in the valley of which there is the Polish village of Łapszanka. On the southern side, the Osturniansky Creek flows down from the pass, and in the valley is the Slovak village of Osturnia. On the pass is the picturesque highlander Loretto chapel. It's made of brick, whitewashed and has a shingle roof from 1928. There is a cross by the chapel commemorating the tragic death of a young farmer from Łapszanka. Lightning struck him while "ringing the bell for the approaching storm" on 17 July 1967. There is a magnificent panorama from the chapel, especially to the south through the valley of the Osturnia River to the forested main ridge of the Spiš Magura Mountain Range, with the Belianske Tatras in all their glory, behind them the Slovak and Polish High Tatras, and to the west, the Western Tatras. The trails on the Pass over Łapszanka are as follows: blue from Kacwin, blue from Nowa Biała, yellow from Łapszów Niżne, yellow to the border with Slovakia and further to Osturnia.