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The Widoma Vantage Point

The Widoma Vantage Point

Kręta droga na Przełęczy Widoma w Rozdzielu widziana z lotu ptaka, w oddali zalesione pagórki

Żegocina Tourist region: Gorce i Beskid Wyspowy

The Widoma Vantage Point at the Widoma Mountain Pass (535 m, Island Beskids) is located near the side road towards Cuba (the provincial road no. 965 from Zielona via Bochnia to Limanowa).
In 2011, the Żegocin Commune built a vantage point, beside which there is a parking place, benches, dustbins and two information boards presenting scenic panoramas of the northern and southern side. The surroundings of the Widoma Mountain Pass serve as an excellent vantage point. The Sanki Valley and elevations of the Łopusze – Kobyła mountain ridge are visible in the northern direction. In the southern direction, you can take a look at the Łososińskie Mountain Range and the tops of Ostra and Cichoń mountains between it and Kamionna. The Tatras are visible when the weather is fine.