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The Hermitage of St. Benedict in Krzesławice-Podkamień

The Hermitage of St. Benedict in Krzesławice-Podkamień

Wnętrze drewnianej kaplicy. Na wprost drewniany ołtarz z tabernakulum i nad nim z malowanym obrazem Chrystusa Ukrzyżowanego. Wyżej obraz Matki Bożej z Dzieciątkiem. Na ścianach dwa obrazy świętych i stacje drogi krzyżowej. Sufit w kolorze niebieskim, w górnej części dwóch okien widać fragmenty witraży.

Góra św. Jana 90, 34-623 Szczyrzyc Tourist region: Gorce i Beskid Wyspowy

The Hermitage was built in 1886. It consists of a chapel, residence and shrine.
The chapel was erected using framework construction and has a rectangular shape which is closed on three sides from the south. The chapel fittings consist of two Stations of the Cross from 1886, an 1886 altar and a cabinet with a C19th wax figure of Madonna with Child. The hermitage residence is ground-floor, wooden and has a tin gable roof. Above the hermitage there is a framework construction wooden shrine. This small building is rectangular. The interior contains a small altar with a chromolithograph of Our Lady and a wooden crucifix. Worth seeing in the area! Next to the hermitage, there is an interesting rock formation, commonly known as the “Devil’s Stone”. From Krzesławice, it is close to Szczyrzyc famous for the abbey of the Cistercians who settled here in the 13th century. The Commune of Raciechowice, where Krzesławice is situated, is renowned for its fruit-growing with a long tradition – the orchards have existed here since the 19th century.From Szczyrzyc, it is worth taking a trip along the green route to Ciecień (829 m a.s.l) – the peak in the Beskid Wyspowy.

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