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The Copernicus Restaurant Kraków

The Copernicus Restaurant Kraków

Stoły nakryte białymi obrusami na dziedzińcu Restauracji Copernicus w Krakowie. Od góry zwisają zielone rośliny. Z tyłu widać balkony oraz duże przeszklone drzwi.
It is a return to the Polish cuisine that many have forgotten, namely to the riches hidden by forests, apiaries and rivers. That is why in Copernicus restaurant at 16 Kanonicza Street, you will find Polish court dishes in a modern version, conjured up by chef Marcin Filipkiewicz. He has received awards for his talent: Michelin plate and three sets of Michelin 2020 cutlery.

It is considered one of the best culinary addresses in Kraków. Eminent personalities have dined there, including George Bush and Prince Charles. Copernicus Restaurant is located in beautiful surroundings, almost at the foot of the Wawel Royal Castle, in the beautiful interiors of a historic hotel. However, the Renaissance interior with frescoes is only an addition to the menu, which is supposed to enchant the guests. To evoke the memory of the best Polish cuisine, which was based on products from local rivers, forests, apiaries and fields. Local, seasonal and exquisite cuisine, which in the hands of the chef has gained a new image. The menu of Copernicus restaurant does not lack mushrooms, quail, venison, crayfish or asparagus. You will find mushroom broth, roast duck with wholemeal bread crust or deer with Jerusalem artichoke and mustard cooked in mead there. The dishes sometimes resemble culinary works of art. Do not admire them, but try them.