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Wierzynek - historical restaurant

Wierzynek - historical restaurant

Elegancka sala z przygotowanymi stołami dla gości w Restauracji Wierzynek w Krakowie. Na oknach zasłony, ściany sali ozdobione są marmurowymi kolumnami i malowidłami.

Rynek Główny 16, 31-008 Kraków Tourist region: Kraków i okolice

One of the Polish restaurants with the longest tradition is located at the Main Square in Krakow. The beginning of the place dates back to 1364, when, on the initiative of Mikołaj Wierzynek, in one of the tenement houses, a grand and considered to be the most famous feast in the history of Poland was held: the wedding of the granddaughter of Casimir the Great with Charles IV of Luxembourg.

The royal art of feasting has been preserved to this day and is cared for by the owners. The dishes in the restaurant are carefully prepared from the highest quality organic products and combine the best flavours of Polish cuisine with a modern approach to culinary art with the art of celebrating a meal. elegant interiors of the historic tenement house are enriched with reproductions of works of art, the main one being a reproduction of a painting by Bronisław Abramowicz A feast at Wierzynek's. Guests have at their disposal various rooms in which time goes back to the royal years of Poland's glory, each arranged in a slightly different style. The menu is dominated by traditional Polish dishes, such as: sour rye soup, venison dumplings, beef tenderloin or goose leg, but the dishes are prepared in innovative arrangements. The feast is complemented by fine alcohols served by Wierzynek Champagne Bar and sweet fantasies performed by confectionery masters.